Sunday, June 30, 2013

First Meetup with Prostate Cancer Forum for Ladies Only Member

Today was an awesome in the morning (which Shirley is writing about), more visits with Burgis and my first of three meetups with fabulous "sisters" from the international on-line Prostate Cancer Forum for Ladies Only hosted by a wonderfully skilled moderator from Ireland.  This bulletin board with hosts from all the world literally saved my sanity when Dennis was sick and after he passed away.  They are a group of women from all over the world who freely share new research, experience and practice unconditional compassion.  I just finished as a host for the Forum for nearly 3 years.  It was a wonderful experience and I hope to be "back at it" some day.  

Note to all other "sisters" we are meeting on the trip --- join in the fun -- the color theme is Americana -- red, white and blue or red and white or blue and white or red and blue....oh, heck, you get the drift!!!  Suzann was the first...and she looked spectacular!

Sooo, the meetup first!  A few years ago I connected with Suzann (Molady) who lived in the Joplin area very near my father-in-law.  After almost two years in the Tulsa area, she is moving back and I will get to spend time with her each time I visit!!!  We met at Reddings Mill Candy House.  It just didn't  take us long when we first met to figure out that we BOTH loved the Candy House and it was part of our history.

The funny part was that we almost missed connections...she was waiting in the parking lot and we were waiting on the patio outside the ice cream shop.  Finally, finally we got connected and fast, happy chatter ensued.  Suzann took us on a great tour of the area so we could see her new house.  It's gorgeous and Suzann is a wonderful decorator so it will be in tip-top shape in no time.  Her husband is doing great and it was a happy visit that was too short!

Suzann and Kay:  I have no idea why I look like a pirate!

Part Two:
Staying at the Rose Cottage  Our dear friend, Karen, opened her Kansas home for our visit even though she was away.  It's a lovely, lovely cottage in the same village as Quaker Hill Manor.  She is making great improvements without touching the vintage nature of the cottage where she grew up.  Here are a couple of pictures of the new windows and the front door.   Thank you, Karen!  We loved it.

 New windows -- energy efficient and blends in with the vintage cottage...bedroom view of river bank

 Gorgeous bedroom with roses everywhere.....
 Front porch.....
 Ahhh - -we're here --- The Rose Cottage

 Sister Shirley starts taking artistic pictures like Niece Caroline --- keep working at it!!!!
Just sitting and talking and holding hands with my father-in-law...he's great!

Tomorrow: Mansfield, Missouri and the second Little House site...and on to Memphis!

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