Saturday, May 30, 2015


Hi there!

Sister Shirley and I are leaving for an adventure this morning!  Sisters on Wheels 2015!

This year we are stretching our capabilities, skills, and adventuresome spirits by participating in a quilting retreat in the mountains of Idaho.  Join us as we spend a week meeting new people, honing our quilting skills, resting and relaxing in a beautiful setting near Kamiah, Idaho.  We'll add their website after we arrive.

Part two of the adventure will take place in Washington State and Oregon as we visit friends, family, and learn more about the Oregon Trail and the Lewis and Clark Expedition.  We'll stay in touch with Mom!

Mom and Kay on their daily Skype sessions

Part three will take place in Kansas where we visit with our great brothers, their families and our sweet mom and dad.

Our great brothers and sweet parents

Oh, in case you think we haven't been busy?  Sisters on Wheels 2015 actually started in March with a cruise!

It's Shirley's turn to jump in here and tell about that!

And, it wouldn't be a Sisters on Wheels adventure without taking pictures at State Capitols for Shirley's second graders.  First stop?  Boise!


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