Saturday, May 30, 2015

Sisters on Water

After celebrating the wedding of Caroline and Ryan, my husband Paul began planning a cruise over Spring Break and thought it would be a grand idea to include sister Kay. Well, I am not sure he knew how much fun he was in for but we both agreed.

Our plans included choosing colors for our clothes and a possible purse to carry on the journey. Now the purse was an adventure as we shopped together via phone and iPads. We thought he had found the perfect option in a purse designed by Mia Farrow. It seemed to meet our criteria for size and color and so we each purchased it and waited for it to arrive. A little over four weeks later the purse arrived in California first and Kay called asking if mine had arrived yet. I should have sensed the hesitation in her voice but I didn't quite get it! So she sent me a picture and I responded that it looked nice. Over the next few weeks we each tried to accommodate that purse into our wardrobe without luck. Finally the last few days before leaving we checked with each other about bringing the purse. Each of us was trying to spare the others feelings. So...we packed the purse and arrived in Houston still questioning the possibilities. We finally burst out laughing when we realized neither of us liked the purse! We never carried it the entire cruise and word has it that one of the purses is still around the Carnival Magic!

On the way to our first excursion in Key West!

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