Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Since last summer.......

A lot can happen in a year and some years are busier than others! Since we last met on Sisters on Wheels several family changes have occured. I will share from my family and Kay will add about her family soon. You will soon see that they overlap in new fun ways.

In June of 2013 my daughter Kendra and her husband Josiah moved completely to Denver, Colorado where Josiah had been working since January. Then in September over Labor Day, they bought a home and my husband Paul and son Drew drove to Denver to help with the move. Drew and I left the heavy lifting to the rest and we headed to California where Drew moved in with my sister Kay and proceeded to look for a job in the chemistry field. After six weeks of searching, and spending retirement weeks with Kay, he found a job as a lab manager for a Biofuels company in Watsonville, California.

So things looked settled in about October and then we found out Kendra and Josiah were expecting a baby in June of 2014. So at Christmas time Paul and I drove to Denver then flew to California to see both of our children and celebrate the new year.

Every month of 2014 has included a trip to Denver for preparations for our first grandchild and then came the waiting time for her birth. She was due June 30 but decided that she wanted to be here earlier and arrived in a flourish on June 12 weighing 6 pounds and measuring 18 inches long. I spent 2 and 1/2 weeks helping out with Madison Drew and loving every minute before driving out to California with a carload of items for Drew's new apartment in Monterey, California.

In between times Paul and I sang at church and for the Symphony Chorus, worked at our respective jobs long hours, and oversaw as our house of 33 years got all new windows and siding!

Whew... I need a vacation with my sister!

Smoochies, Shirley

PS: When I write a post my signature will be Shirley/ ASH / Nana
ASH is what my nieces and nephews call me for Aunt Shirley and my newest title is Nana!

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