Tuesday, July 15, 2014


Sooo – you know that last minute flurry before you go on vacation?  Well, we had it times 10!!!  On Thursday (July 10), Dennis’ dad was admitted to the hospital in Joplin, Missouri.  I’m happy to say that this well-loved 94 year old was dismissed today (July 15) and is happily back at Quaker Hill Manor in Lowell, Kansas.  I can’t wait to see him on our trip.   I met Burgis when I was 14 --- well before meeting Dennis at Friends University when I was 17.  One of the first things my father-in-law told me when we met was that he had a son just a little bit older than me!   And, when I met Dennis I remember telling him “I know your dad!”.  I’m sure that impressed him!!!  LOL

Friday and Saturday (July 11 and 12) were spent doing laundry, ogling one month pictures of Madison Drew (Shirley’s beautiful granddaughter), finding tires for Joanna’s car and getting them installed, getting gas and a car wash for Shirley’s car, picking Joanna up at the airport from her great trip to Mercer Island near Seattle, going to David’s Bridal for Caroline’s first fitting of her wedding gown and watching the wedding attendants picking out their gowns, and packing like maniacs!  Oh, yes – and one additional trip to Ikea to finish decorating the last blank spots in Taber House along with hunting down a World Cup shirt for Drew!!!  We did take a short break to watch three episodes of Newsroom with Jeff Daniels…..one of our new favorite shows!  WOW!  Great writing, great acting, and so fast paced it was making our heads spin! Five Stars!  

Stay tuned!  Shirley will be writing about our trip to Monterey and the Monterey Bay Aquarium next!

P. S : There will be NO pictures posted here of the wedding gown or wedding attendants’ dresses but I can assure you that they are all beautiful, of course!  However, there is  a picture of Drew and the great jacket that Shirley got for him.  See that in the next section. 

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