Wednesday, July 2, 2014

WHEW!....since last summer!

It's been an amazing year!  One of us fell in love and got engaged, one of us sang at the San Francisco Opera as well as the SF Symphony, one of us got a "son" when her nephew moved to California!

While I was gone on Sisters on Wheels 2013, Caroline's long-time friend, Ryan Digman, changed his status from friend to boyfriend with Caroline.  Shortly after I got home from the trip, my nephew Drew (Shirley's son) moved in to begin his job hunt in California!  I really enjoyed the first few weeks when he was retired with me and Baxter and Hildi particularly enjoyed his attention!  Of course he did turn them in to KU (University of Kansas) fans!

In September four of us (Drew, Caroline and Ryan and I) had the pleasure of going to hear Joanna in San Francisco Opera's production of Boito's Mephistopheles.

The year really started speeding up as we got close to the holidays.  Drew accepted a job on the Monterey coast and began living down there during the week and living at Taber House in Sacramento over the weekend.  In 'N Out hamburgers were regular treats on Thursday nights when he arrived!

In December, Ryan let me in on a secret that he was going to ask Caroline to marry him and he and I began a secret process to create a video, a diversionary holiday party with his mom and sister and friends on New Year's Eve, and his proposal held at the State Capitol!  I hosted an engagement dinner and then New Year's Eve Party after she said yes!  We are blessed to have Ryan join our family officially this fall.

The last few months have been super busy planning the wedding as well as my struggles with my darn gall bladder that included a couple of trips to the ER and one hospitalization!  That struggle culminated in removal of the gall bladder in May and recovery since then.  I don't miss it!

It didn't slow me down too much since I continued as treasurer at First United Methodist Church and did some major redecorating in the house including creation of a great sewing room in one of the bedrooms.  Joanna created her first costume in the new sewing room in early June.

Most of you know that I name things in my house so I now have Three Thimbles (the sewing room -- named for the three thimbles of my Grandmother Harrison, my mom and myself), Rosemary and Thyme (Caroline's former bedroom which is now a guest room), and the Harrison Suite at Taber House (the first floor guest room) ....there are lots of other places at the house which are named but you will just have to come visit to find out the names!

I'm really looking forward to Sisters on Wheels 2014 -- we plan to visit at least five states, visit long-time friends, quilt shops, Shirley's beautiful granddaughter, Madison Drew, and Dennis' dad and our parents.  Of course we will spend time with our awesome brothers as well as the other two Harrison sistas, our sisters-in-love Alanna and Julie.

Travel with us --- we'd love to have you along.


P.S.  -- several of you said last year they weren't sure who wrote the various entries -- we have modified out signatures so that you can tell.  My signature is Kay/AK/MOB.  AK stands for Aunt Kay which is what many of my nieces and nephews call me and MOB stands for Mother of the Bride -- my newest title!

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