Sunday, June 21, 2015

Father's Day with Daddy

The Sisters on Wheels Dressed alike in Dressbarn's Finest. 
 Today the sisters met back up in Topeka to share Father's Day with our daddy! Our brothers and their lovely wives joined us for dinner at Presbyterian Manor followed by singing Hymns in Daddy's room. When we were growing up we were often dressed alike so when we found these tops and sweaters at Dressbarn we decided to show up and see if anybody noticed! What do you think?
The Harrison Women

Our parents with the kids!
The Harrison Sistas enjoy some time with mom!

The Harrison family with their "Spice" (plural of Spouse) Alanna, Julie, and Paul.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Old Friends Touch Our Hearts!

Sisters on Wheels will be reunited tomorrow in Topeka tomorrow to spend Father's Day with our sweet dad who is in Presbyterian Manor.  Our dear brothers, Shirley's husband and our sisters-in-law, the Harrison Sistas!, will be there, too along with our momma.

Since Wednesday I've been in Ozark, Missouri visiting with good friends, Wesley and Alice Duwe.  Alice and I were roommates at Friends University in ......well, let's just say it's been awhile!  Alice and Wes were both in our wedding in 1972 while I was in their wedding in 1971 and they stayed a week with me last Fall after Caroline and Ryan's wedding.  Old friends touch our heart in a very specific, heartfelt way.  They know our stories, our jokes, our struggles AND still love to be with us!

The Duwes treated me royally....shows in Branson (the fabulous SIX and the Presley Country Jubilee), the headquarters of the Bass Pro Shop in Springfield, great food, great drives, fun shopping (even at a Dress Barn) and lots of laughter about old and new times.  Their brand new home had a beautiful guest suite and I threatened to put a plaque on the door with my name on it.  It rained like crazy which was heaven sent for a Californian dealing with a drought!

The Bass Pro Shop gave me the opportunity to practice cuddling and I had to have a formal portrait of my special friends.  Thanks, Alice and Wes!

Cuddletime!  He's such a cutie!
Gobble, gobble!

Good friends Alice and, he did not shoot this!

Sows love Dressbarn

Sisters on Wheels love Dressbarn! I know that you all wonder where we get our fabulous outfits  as we travel and our answer is Dressbarn! From coast to coast we try never to pass up a trip to Dressbarn where we find new outfits to go with our color theme on our adventures! This year we chose seaside colors for our cruise in March to the Bahamas and then for our Northwest Passage journey we kept those colors and added Coral to the mix.

At the end of our trip in June we stopped at the Dressbarn in Redding, California and each found the same top in new colors to us: yellow and blue. For Shirley this fits her Collegiate school colors and can be worn next fall and for Kay well, did you know that the University of California has various shades of yellow and blue at all of their locations?
Thanks Dressbarn for making us feel spectacular all year long!

Monday, June 15, 2015

Home for the Weekend

We arrived in Sacramento at 7:00 pm on Thursday night and spent Friday doing laundry, cleaning, and hanging drapes! (Hanging drapes is an annual tradition for the Sisters on Wheels!)
Caroline and Ryan arrived with Drew and Jessica a few minutes later.

Plans were made to attend the IMAX 3-D viewing of Jurrasic World followed by grilling brats for dinner! Joyce showed up with her famous jalapeƱo Mac and cheese and we settled in for good food and conversation.

Time for some Dinosaurs

Sunday morning brought a visit from Joanna and sausage gravy and biscuits for brunch. What a wonderful weekend with family.
Sausage Gravy and Drew's famous scrambled eggs
Family fun with Jessica and Drew

Sending Drew back to Monterey 

Oops! 3 state Capitols not two!

My wise sister Kay just reminded me gently that I forgot to post about another state Capitol on our tour! Olympia, Washington! Oh my, how could I forget! We stopped here on our way to Portland and enjoyed visiting the beautiful inside of the building while the senate was in session.

Olympia, Washington

Wonderful picture due to long traffic delays driving to Portland!

One more State Capitol!

Our last state capital visit was Salem, Oregon where we enjoyed the artistic representations of The Oregon Trail and The Journey of Lewis and Clark. Each Capitol is so different based on the time the state was accepted into the union and the history represented in its construction.

We each purchased a book with pictures and descriptions of each of the state capitols. I highly recommend it as a way to see our history.

Fifty State Capitols
The Architecture of Representative Government
By Jim Stembridge

Lewis and Clark at Fort Clatsop

 Shirley teaches about The Northwest Passage in second grade and was eager to see the end of the trail at Fort Clatsop. After following our own trail, we arrived to spend several hours at this national museum and were delighted with the views and historical perpective represented. After visiting the Fort and seeing the flag flying overhead, we were told that we could purchase the flag flown that day or any previous time. I was able to go down and help the museum volunteer take the flag down and fold it to bring home to my second grade classroom. Kay also purchased a flag flown in March for her daughter and son in law. This is a representation of the only U.S. Flag that had fifteen stripes. This amazing museum was a wonderful final step on our Lewis and Clark journey.

15 Stars and Stripes 

Statue of Lewis and Clark
