Monday, June 15, 2015

Home for the Weekend

We arrived in Sacramento at 7:00 pm on Thursday night and spent Friday doing laundry, cleaning, and hanging drapes! (Hanging drapes is an annual tradition for the Sisters on Wheels!)
Caroline and Ryan arrived with Drew and Jessica a few minutes later.

Plans were made to attend the IMAX 3-D viewing of Jurrasic World followed by grilling brats for dinner! Joyce showed up with her famous jalapeƱo Mac and cheese and we settled in for good food and conversation.

Time for some Dinosaurs

Sunday morning brought a visit from Joanna and sausage gravy and biscuits for brunch. What a wonderful weekend with family.
Sausage Gravy and Drew's famous scrambled eggs
Family fun with Jessica and Drew

Sending Drew back to Monterey 

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