Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Oh, the Places We Go!!!

Hi there!

The week is going so fast and and I wanted to tell you a little bit about where we are!

We're still at the Quilt House Bed and Breakfast participating in a quilting retreat.  Shirley has shared pictures with you of our progress on our quilts.  There are nine women quilting and we are making three different quilts.  We've been focusing on methods such as fusible appliqué, log cabin, and paper piecing.  The women are from California, New Mexico, Arizona and Kansas.  Each day has been full of sewing, laughter, good food, a daily visit from a wonderful masseuse, and great walks in nature (ok -- Shirley and I haven't done that but we could if we wanted to!  LOL)

The quilt house is actually a three story, very large log cabin.  The walk-out basement is the sewing room, quilt shop, and two bedrooms sleeping six.

The main floor has a large dining room and deck, kitchen, bedroom for the Innkeeper, and office.  The third floor has a large sleeping loft as well as two more bedrooms.  Shirley and I are in the one of the bedrooms which has a queen bed and a twin bed along with French doors out to a balcony.  The whole place is absolutely beautiful!

So where exactly are we???  We're in the mountains above Kamiah, Idaho.  Once we arrived in Kamiah (which is in the neck of Idaho) it took us about 25 minutes to drive up the mountain.  Shirley has already shown you the Friends Church located on the mountaintop.

We're learning a lot about Lewis and Clark and this is from the Kamiah Chamber of Commerce:

The homeland of the Nez Perce Tribe was located in present north central Idaho. They spent their lives roaming the grassy plateaus, hunting, fishing, gathering berries and herbs. They migrated across the Bitterroot Mountains to eastern Montana to hunt buffalo, but when winter came they returned to their lodges in the sheltered valleys. One of those winter home sites is now known as the Kamiah Valley. 
The first white men known to the Nez Perce were Captains Meriwether Lewis and William Clark. The Lewis and Clark Corp of Discovery waited with the Nez Perce in the Kamiah Valley almost a month in the spring of 1806 for the snow to melt so they could cross the Bitterroot Mountains on their return to the East. Their campsite was located on the present site of the lumber mill across the Clearwater River from the present townsite.

Stay tuned!  Kay

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