Monday, June 15, 2015

Lewis and Clark at Fort Clatsop

 Shirley teaches about The Northwest Passage in second grade and was eager to see the end of the trail at Fort Clatsop. After following our own trail, we arrived to spend several hours at this national museum and were delighted with the views and historical perpective represented. After visiting the Fort and seeing the flag flying overhead, we were told that we could purchase the flag flown that day or any previous time. I was able to go down and help the museum volunteer take the flag down and fold it to bring home to my second grade classroom. Kay also purchased a flag flown in March for her daughter and son in law. This is a representation of the only U.S. Flag that had fifteen stripes. This amazing museum was a wonderful final step on our Lewis and Clark journey.

15 Stars and Stripes 

Statue of Lewis and Clark


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