Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Oh, the places we go - Part Two

One of my long-time hobbies is genealogy....and while I knew we might be close to where our Neff family had orchards inWashington, I wasn't sure.  Luckily I had my laptop with me and my trusty Family TreeMaker program!  and, luckily Sister Shirley was agreeable to visiting a masoleum in Puyallup!

In the early 1900's our great-great grandparents, Rudolph Neff and Sarah Jane Loper Neff moved from Kansas to Pierce County, Washington.  Two of their adult sons moved with them and they established orchards.  In 1908 a third son (our great-grandfather) moved there, too.  Our grandmother was only three and the arduous trip was made by train.  In 1910 our grandmother's sister was born and only lived a few hours.  The little family was so sad and decided to move back to Kansas.  Our grandmother had a few memories of the baby and the train and of her mother being so sad.  Our grandmother already had other siblings and more were born after their return to Kansas but she never forgot the baby girl left in Washington.

We were able to find the beautiful marble crypts where our gggrandparents were laid to rest.  They were both born in Indiana and Rudolph served in the Civil War.  We thank him for his service and for Sarah's sewing gifts which were passed down to us.  Shirley thanks her for her middle name of Jane which was passed down to her, Shirley Jane, through great aunt Alta Jane!

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