Saturday, June 20, 2015

Old Friends Touch Our Hearts!

Sisters on Wheels will be reunited tomorrow in Topeka tomorrow to spend Father's Day with our sweet dad who is in Presbyterian Manor.  Our dear brothers, Shirley's husband and our sisters-in-law, the Harrison Sistas!, will be there, too along with our momma.

Since Wednesday I've been in Ozark, Missouri visiting with good friends, Wesley and Alice Duwe.  Alice and I were roommates at Friends University in ......well, let's just say it's been awhile!  Alice and Wes were both in our wedding in 1972 while I was in their wedding in 1971 and they stayed a week with me last Fall after Caroline and Ryan's wedding.  Old friends touch our heart in a very specific, heartfelt way.  They know our stories, our jokes, our struggles AND still love to be with us!

The Duwes treated me royally....shows in Branson (the fabulous SIX and the Presley Country Jubilee), the headquarters of the Bass Pro Shop in Springfield, great food, great drives, fun shopping (even at a Dress Barn) and lots of laughter about old and new times.  Their brand new home had a beautiful guest suite and I threatened to put a plaque on the door with my name on it.  It rained like crazy which was heaven sent for a Californian dealing with a drought!

The Bass Pro Shop gave me the opportunity to practice cuddling and I had to have a formal portrait of my special friends.  Thanks, Alice and Wes!

Cuddletime!  He's such a cutie!
Gobble, gobble!

Good friends Alice and, he did not shoot this!

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