Friday, July 6, 2012

Amazing Fun

                                    Caroline, Kay and Joanna at Kay's retirement celebration.

                                           Kay and Shirley celebrating Kay's retirement.
                                          Each day there were special gifts to open just like 
                                       Grandmother Harrison shared when we were younger. 
                                Today Kay opened Chocolate Footballs, can you guess why?
                                 One day we opened travel bingo and another day the game made
                                    in the shape of a triangle with golf tees. Caroline and Shirley played the
                                    license plate game each day. Only 12 states to go!
                                           Hildi looking out of the RV while Joanna is fixing dinner.
                                          Joanna working on getting us hooked up at the KOA.
                                                   Stopping for a break in the RV.
                                            Baxter looking out one window.....while Hildi looks out the other.
                                          Caroline took such good care of  "the kids" every day!

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