Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Day Three - July 4th

Hi there --
We're getting settled into Gothenburg, Nebraska.  It's 7:00 p.m. and 100 degrees but rain clouds are now moving in.  They are supposed to have a fireworks show at 9 but we'll see if the rain holds out!
Today was "technically" easier....flatter roads....but it was hot, hot, hot.   There are big fires outside of Laramie, Wyoming so we had a smokey haze and high winds and high pollen count.  Thanking God for safe travels and a really fun day together.

We have some fun pictures to post tonight including one of me cooling down with Busch, I DON'T drink it!  The cans are on each side of my neck to cool down!

Today Shirley and Caroline were co-pilots and handled the driving and navigating while Joanna worked on the reunion video while I finished up the genealogy charts.  Tomorrow we travel to Wichita/Wellington area.  We'll stop by Shirley's school and deliver the 2 TONS of Ikea products for her classroom!  We'll also print out the genealogy charts.  WOW!  The week has gone fast!

We'll be posting lots of pictures and stories tonight after we eat our July 4th meal....hamburgers with all the fixins' and corn on the cob.


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