Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Tuesday Night - July 3, 2012

It's 7:45 p.m. and we're settled in..Shirley is e-mailing her graduate students who are finishing their Master's degrees at Friends University (teachers are NEVER done!), Caroline is walking the dogs, Joanna is working on the video for the family reunion.  And, me?  I'm enjoying the second day of retirement.  Remember when you had your first baby and someone would ask how old they were?....and you could tell them "5 weeks and 3 days"?  Well, retirement is like that.  Today is the second day.  Tomorrow will be third day.  On August 2 it will be one month and two days.  LOL

For anybody "RV-ing" (two days and I am using lingo), the Rawlins, WY KOA is spectacular.  The view of the mountains is wonderful to begin with.  The campgrounds are something else!  There is a guy in a golf cart who acts as a guide and leads you into your space and makes sure you seem to be level.  My kind of place!  There is also a small fence beside our RV with a picnic table  (we were discouraged from eating outdoors by the red ants)

Dinner was absolutely delicious.  I think that Joanna will post a picture....chicken tacos with sauteed zuchinni and peppers and soft corn tortillas (I think I messed up that description!).

Others will be posting soon.


As promised! (Notice Baxter trying to sneak a bite. Ha.)
JT :)


  1. What an adventure you are having. Love the pictures. Thanks for sharing.

  2. The meal looks so yummy and on "regular plates" no less! We RARELY use anything but paper plates so this is impressive! If Joanna cooks, who is on dish duty?

  3. Red Ants... Get a bottle of large pepper seeds (Sam's, etc.) and add a trail around anything of your RV that touches the ground. The ants won't cross the trail. You do NOT want them in you RV!!
