Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Day Two!

Yesterday was a really long day.  We had planned to make it the longest....but it was REALLY long!  By the time we bedded down, sorted out the "vomit closets" (those were the closets in the RV that we threw last minute items in), two took showers (1 cold until we figured out the water heater), hollered out good night to John Boy and Mary Ellen (the kids on the door), it was nearly midnight Utah time.

We had a group meeting last night to discuss when to leave.  We came to consensus that we would try to leave by 7 but if we left by 8 that would be great because we would miss Salt Lake City traffic.  Well -- it's now 9!  LOL

We had a little incident with the sewer hook up and I'll let Joanna tell about that.  Let's just say that some flip-flops from Target were sacrificed.

As to retirement?  So far I really, really like not working (smile)

Oh --- the key to our names?  AK is what some of my nieces and nephews call me (Aunt Kay); ASH stands for Aunt Shirley.


  1. Shower... Open bathroom door completely to make a "private dressing area" along with the bedroom. Towel over the door for convenience. Wet down, turn off water and soap everything and I do mean everything! Turn water back on and rinse. That way the hot water lasts. OR take your towel, wear your flip flops and go to the campground showers.

  2. Good names for the "kids on the door"... Of course, tell them good night AFTER the lights are out. If they answer... be concerned!!
