Thursday, July 12, 2012

Whee --- what a wild ride!

Thursday, July 12

We haven't been able to post because:
a.  we've had sporadic internet connections;
b.  we've been involved in two family reunions; and
c.  we've been sorting out a family house filled with 61 years of memories!

Tonight we split up the gang.  One set of sisters is with sweet Kendra and one set of sisters is in an RV campground preparing to drive back to California tomorrow.  Guess which one group I'm in????  I would be in the group with sweet Kendra, my niece and Shirley's daughter.  

There will be lots of posts over the next few days as each set of sisters posts pictures from the events of the last week, as the adventure continues in the RV, and as the other set of sisters continues their adventures in Kansas with family visits.

Oh --- and here's a hint as to whether we have had a good time together.  Tonight we decided that the pig will continue to be the place we save for our next adventure --- SOS --- Sisters on Ship.  The next adventure will be a cruise!


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