Friday, July 19, 2013

And then there were 5!

When we started planning this trip we talked about going to 2 Little House on the Prairie sites. Then while I was gone to London with my husband Kay decided to add 2 more sites at the end of our trip.
WELL.. 2 +2 equals 5 That's right we added another one so that we ended up stopping at 5 Little House on the Prairie site museums and several other places they went on their journeys. On July 18th we woke early and headed out from Decorah, Iowa to the small town of Burr Oak which has 100 inhabitants.
We sat outside of the museum enjoying the early morning breezes in this quiet Iowa town. The gift shop was housed in an old bank and as has happened often on our trip we struck up a conversation with other "Little House" fans.
The tour was of the Masters Hotel where Pa served as manager from 1876 and Ma served meals to 25 people a day. Silver Creek flows behind the Hotel a place Laura loved to play. Although the Ingalls family did not live very long in Burr Oak the youngest Ingalls, Grace, was born here.

We then got in the car for a long drive back to Kansas and could only imagine how hard life on the prairie must have been in 1880! 
We arrived in Kansas City around 5:30 at Clinical Research Laboratory where son Drew works. We headed to a wonderful Thai restaurant where we dined on Vegetable Panang, Massaman Curry with Beef, and King and Ann Chicken.
We had delightful conversation about books, music, and trips we have taken and then it was time for us to say good bye and head to Topeka.

We were a mere hour away from our home town of Topeka and had just called our parents to say we would be there around 8:45. Our trip has included travel in 13 states and over 4,500 miles without a hitch and we know how many of you have kept us in your thoughts and prayers. Thank you for all of your support.
As we drove onto the Kansas Turnpike a car passed us on the left and honked their horn at us. I checked to see if I was speeding but was doing 62 in a 65 speed zone.
The car pulled in front of us and proceeded to pull ahead when all of a sudden they tried to move over a lane and hit another car that was trying to pull into the same lane. Both cars proceeded to go into a roll, one to the left and the other to the right, in the lane directly ahead of us. I immediately slammed on the brakes and checked to see if I could pull into the left lane as pieces of both cars flew into the air and one car spun to the left while the other car spun to the right. As I dodged debris Kay began to pray aloud and touched my arm in support. I was able to stop close to the cement median and we assessed the situation. Kay called 911 and I drove around one car to the shoulder on the right. Kay kept on the phone and we both got out of the car to see what we could do. The police arrived in 2 minutes and we were allowed to go on. We took time to calm down and then rode on to Topeka.
Thank you again for supporting the Sisters on Wheels. 

God is Good All the Time, All the Time God is Good.

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