Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Tuesday, Tuesday -- Travel Day

Hi Sports Fans!

We didn't post last night because (drum roll), we were officially tired by the time we got to Chattanooga, TN!!!

We recovered enough today to  do some amazing sightseeing and Sister Shirley will be telling you all about that next!

Sooo, here's what happened on Tuesday, July 2.....

We slept in until 8 (the time change from California was getting to me!) and then packed and loaded (duh!) and started some last minute sightseeing in Memphis.  We had planned to go to the National Civil Rights Museum (housed in the Lorraine Hotel which is the site where Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated).  The museum was only about 7 blocks from our hotel but is undergoing extensive renovation so we were only able to take a picture.

That sort of set the tone for the rest of Tuesday!  As I mentioned in Monday's blog we decided that we would drive by Graceland...and we met that goal!

 His sign...
 His airplane

His fence!!!!

Then, it was time for some serious road time.....through the beautiful state of Tennessee.  Lots of gorgeous clouds, beautiful bridges, stunning trees and rolling hills plus the beginning of plantations.

Since we hadn't gone to Graceland, I dearly wanted to go to a quilt shop in Franklin, Tennessee.  It's called The Quilting Squares.  It...was....awesome!!!!  And, it turned out to be a fortuitous event.

 Kay, in prayer, after spending her souvenir money on fabric!

 So, right after we left we were continuing down Columbia Avenue when, much to our surprise, we saw an historical marker that said "The Harrison House"!  Turns out this was one of the lines I was to check out at the Albert Gore Research Center at Middle Tennessee State University in Murfreesboro, TN this coming Friday and Saturday.  Yippee!  The house is not open to the public but now we know where it is and will try to take pictures this weekend.

The Battle of Franklin in the Civil War had an extraordinary number of casualties including six Confederate Generals and a Union General.  The house was commandeered as a hospital and one of the Confederate Generals and the Union General both died there and were temporarily buried in the gardens there until they could be moved to their final resting places in their home states.

 We were better at taking pictures of signs as we entered new states when our children were little.  Somehow this part of our road trip is not working out!

 Arriving on Signal Mountain, Tennessee!  Yes, that is a space ship house.....pretty darn amazing!

The biggest surprise of Tuesday was that Chattanooga is on EASTERN Daylight Time....we arrived at my friends' home (Frances and Gene) at 6:43 p.m. where we were met with open doors, open hearts, open minds....oh, shoot, that's the United Methodist saying......Ahhhh, but that fits!   It's great to be here...and we haven't stopped talking and catching up!  Pictures of these dear friends later!

A preview of Wednesday, July 3 --drenched hair and sweater-- Observing six states from the top of Lookout the fog!

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