Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Prostate Cancer Forum for Ladies Only - Iowa City, Iowa

Iowa City - July 15, 2013

This dinner was a dream in the making!  Early on in Dennis' illness I found this wonderful international on-line forum of women whose lives have been affected by prostate cancer.  They may have a husband, partner, brother, son, father, or friends who has this devastating disease.

They not only contribute information to the forum on research and clinical trials but they provide immeasurable compassion through a journey which, too often, leads to loss of their loved one.

I had the pleasure of serving as a U.S. host for over two years.  Other hosts are often from Canada, England, New Zealand, Australia and our moderator is from Ireland.  All are women whose lives have been impacted by prostate cancer.

Being in Iowa allowed four (two current and two past hosts) to get together for dinner.  These fabulous women drove in from Northern and Southern Iowa and from Ft. Wayne, Indiana.  We didn't stop talking for over two hours.  It was a wonderful gem of a moment on our trip and I'm so grateful that they made the effort to drive to Iowa City.  Love you all -- Susie, Sharon and Sherry!

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