Saturday, July 27, 2013

For Everything There is a Season

Garden Apartment

On July 19th we prepared to help our parents move into the next season of their lives by moving them into Independent Living at Presbyterian Manor in Topeka, Kansas.
Mom passing the keys to the car to Lynn.
Our parents are great planners and shared this gift with their four children so this next step while physically hard and mentally challenging was attempted by all in the family.
Lynn moving the "Clocks" to the new home!
Each of us has very useful skills and these were brought forth as the plan developed in a short six week period. Sister Kay stepped forward to arrange with Presbyterian Manor the needed contacts for the move, while Brother Lynn arranged a place for us all to come home and stay at the lovely "Casa Harrison".
Tom and Alanna taking mom and dad to their new home!
Brother Tom preached on Sunday and then headed to Topeka to retrieve mom and dad's car to use at St. John's Church of the Brethren as his mode of transportation for visiting his church family. Sister Shirley cooked a family traditional breakfast of sausage gravy and biscuits for us to sit together and talk over the details of the move.
Grandson Ben works for Right Way Moving!
A month earlier Kay had organized a spread sheet with items from Mom and Dad's home of 67 years and all of the family from Siblings to Great Grand children were invited to request items they had special memories from to take to a new home. Each item that was chosen no matter how small came from growing up in the Mary and Don Harrison family. 
Sisters on Wheels 2013
Our wonderful sisters-in-law Julie and Alanna came to help us pack and pack and pack. Brother-in-law Paul supported with financial info as mom looked over her household accounts from the sale of their home on Buchanan to figure out the new budgeting plan with Kay as her guide.

Empty Fleming Court apartment
Music is a big part of the Harrison tradition.
Family surrounds mom and dad
Dad's Navy reminders
When one of us got weary the others picked up the pace and filled in the gaps.
New Bedroom
When we needed a lift a Bible Verse or devotion was shared via our joint text thread. Laughter and tears were shared throughout the week as we gathered a life time of memories and prepared for the next home for mom and dad.
The bird houses flew on to their new home!

Thanks mom and dad for showing us how to gracefully move into this next season of life. Ecclesiastes 3:1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

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