Saturday, July 13, 2013

Our 3rd Columbus

This first picture is a partial recreation of a picture our Aunt Patty shared on Facebook recently! 

On Friday, July 12 we loaded the car with cousin Donna and headed for a day trip to Columbus, Ohio, our third Columbus city on this trip. We traveled through Columbus, Kansas and then of course spent three days in Columbus, Indiana earlier on our journeys. This time we were beginning an adventure with our dear Donna and shared times we spent as children together in Topeka at Grandpa and Grandma Claar's home. Donna remembered the enormous hugs grandma would give her where she was enveloped in the love only a grandmother can share! Kay shared memories of Uncle Frank picking her up and taking her to the farm to wait for Shirley to be born.It was only a day or two but to a five year old it seemed like an eternity. Shirley shared the special dishes Grandma would fix with love especially anything with onions for her dad.
She also shared hiding Easter eggs one time at Grandma and Grandpa's and "someone" hid an egg in the back of grandma's old tube radio in the kitchen. No one found that egg for several days until the pungent smell of rotten egg appeared every time the radio was turned on! We arrived to view the state capitol and to our surprise there was a special presentation of ethnic dances we were able to view from the steps of the capitol.
We then had lovely salads across the street at Caffe Daniela and then headed off on an adventure walking to find a special gift of Chocolate for Donna's husband Larry who was celebrating his birthday. Donna asked the person at the restaurant and he said there was a wonderful chocolate shop a few blocks away.
WELL.... we kept walking, talking, taking pictures, and    asking for directions to this special confectionery. FINALLY we found the Chocoholique on the Short North shopping area just a mere mile from the capitol.
It was the perfect place to find that special dark chocolate for Larry including "Chocolate Bacon" which is finger lickin' good. 

AND a few pieces for us to try, too!

 Thanks to Larry and Donna for their GREAT hospitality. Thanks also to Larry for being the master griller! 

 Thanks Donna for being a Sister on Wheels with us this week. Although maybe we should change it to Cousins on Wheels! But then we would be COWS instead of SOWS!
As you can see Larry dressed in Red, White , and Blue, too!

We do want to share one more picture especially for our brothers. Gentlemen start your engines!

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