Wednesday, July 17, 2013


July 16, 2013

If it’s Tuesday, it must be Sioux City, Iowa!!!!  After sleeping in a bit we hit the road for Sioux City, Iowa to meet up with my close college friend from Friends University, Pam Hoadley, and her spouse, Bill Deeds.  Pam was our wedding coordinator and although we have only gotten together a handful of times over the last 40 years, it takes about 30 seconds to re-sync when we do!!!!

Pam is now retired after a great career as a registered dietician, project planner, and coordinator of international programs (my description of her many talents and skills -- not hers!).  She is an active, active volunteer in her community and just returned from a United Methodist Volunteers in Mission (VIM) trip repairing damage from Hurricane Sandy.  For the last 14 years they have lived in Sioux City, Iowa where Bill is the Dean at Morningside College, a United Methodist- related university.  Their eldest son, Chuck, lives in Iowa City while their younger son, Mac, lives in Sioux City and we had a delightful time visiting with him.  He’s a great blend of his mom and dad….bright, service-oriented, and part of the hope I keep seeing in this new, thoughtful, intentional generation!

Taking a windshield tour of Sioux City helped us figure out where we were and how the three Sioux City’s fit together!  Of course we had to drive into South Sioux City so  we could add Nebraska to our state list.  After today – we will have visited 13 states on our trip! 

Our first stop was the Woodbury County Courthouse designed by George Grant Elmslie, a contemporary of Frank Lloyd Wright, and is a stunning example of  he Prairie School of Architecture.  The building was constructed from Roman brick and granite and finished in March of 1918 at a cost of $850,000. It also has a 157-foot-tall tower on top of the building and features sculptural work by Alfonso Iannelli over its doors. In 1973, the building was added to the National Register of Historic Places. It was declared a National Historic Landmark in 1996. 


Next we motored over to Morningside College for a great tour of the campus.  The transformation since Bill has been Dean is pretty gathering spaces...two visits from President Obama (one as a candidate and one as President)...innovative on-line graduate programs...expansion in their traditional programs...a return to a residential undergraduate campus rather than a commuter school...and an emphasis on service.  They are one of the few private colleges I’ve visited that actually seem to have PLENTY of land!

After great conversation, good food (grilled chicken, zucchini and spinach, and gelato and sorbetto) we settled in for some restful sleep and left at 6:00 a.m. for our very full “Laura Ingalls Wilder Day” --- northward to De Smet, South Dakota, then East to Walnut Grove, Minnesota and will “nap” tonight in Decorah, Iowa before touring our last Little House site in Burr Oak, Iowa tomorrow morning.  Stay tuned!

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