Saturday, July 27, 2013

New Sisters....and what's next for Sisters on Wheels?


What a great trip!  We added some great new sisters to our group...Frances in Tennessee, Donna in Ohio, Suzann and Alice in Missouri, Jan and Tasha in Indiana, and Pam, Susie, Sharon and Sherry in Iowa!  We met a few more new sisters in Columbus, Indiana who are great at genealogy research and we won't lose touch with them.  And, of course, we got to spend time with special sisters Julie and Alanna (our brothers' dear wives), in Topeka.  And, we visited with our niece, Katie, who is a sister in training!

We traveled almost 5,000 miles and have already started planning our next trip.  We HOPE that next July you will follow us when we move back even further in our family history tour of Harrisons to the 1700s in Virginia and North Carolina!  We're also having our mother's DNA done through (we've already done our father's DNA) and hope to go to The Netherlands in the not too distant future!  AND, we've had so much fun writing together as a team that we're thinking of writing a book or two or three together!  Stay tuned!

Now for a few fun pics!

We made a few too many trips to Cracker Barrel but we loved this lunch with Mom and Dad and we are so appreciative of people who come up to our Dad and thank him for his service in WWII.

Ok -- we admit it.. we brought our Princess Diana rings with us and wore them the day after William and Kate's baby was born.  But, don't they look real?

This little project brought tears to our eyes....and bowling words!  They were supposed to be matching frames.....the hooks were NOT mounted in the same place on each frame.  What's the saying -- "measure twice?"  how about measure 147 times and then say a bad word and put a quarter in the jar!!!!  Brothers,  your pictures are missing!

I will remember looking out the window of the Masters Hotel in Burr Oak, Iowa at these beautiful flowers when I need to lower my blood pressure.

And, recall this beautiful promise from God after a particularly hard day of moving.
This fabulous rainbow was at the end of Lynn and Julie's street.


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