Saturday, July 13, 2013

National Underground Railroad Freedom Center

Surprise... I am back!  I have been driving on this wonderful trip and took a few days rest from the blog while my sister Kay wove her magic. Isn't she a great storyteller and historian?

 I will play catchup today and begin with our visit to Cincinnati on Thursday, July 11. We drove into the city arriving around 12:00 to see the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center. There are many places on our trip that have affected me emotionally and again this was one of those places that took my breath away and caused me to ponder.
This center felt spiritual to me and while I listened to the descriptions of what it must have felt like to be held captive in the Slave Pen, my heart welled up with sadness for the way people are still being held in captivity today. I highly recommend the free APP for your phone or IPAD where you can see and hear the museum tour. I know I will be using it with my students this year as we study the Civil War. 

The layout of the museum included interactive pieces for young children and short video presentations that helped to capture the sights and sounds of the times. Harriet Tubman had several amazing sections to remind us of what it takes to be courageous in the face of danger.
John Brown was represented in several sections of the museum including the picture I have seen in the Topeka capitol building with his arms outstretched. Kansas was mentioned often with the possibility of freedom. Quaker families were depicted as key contributors to the success of the Underground Railroad.
Our trip this summer has included Civil War Battlefields where thousands of men have lost their lives for a cause that was represented in this museum. I am looking forward to teaching this section of our American History with renewed passion this upcoming school year. Please visit the website by using the QR code below.

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