Saturday, July 27, 2013

Time to Make the Donuts

Anybody remember the old Dunkin Donuts commercial where the baker is trudging to work at 3 AM saying "Time to Make the Donuts"?
Well, in our family we begin each day with this saying included with " I get to go to work!" Our father always said it wasn't I HAVE to go to work but I GET to go to work. As a child of the depression he realized the privilege in being able to work to provide for your family.
On our text thread the first one up will state " Time to Make the Donuts" and we all chime in with our "virtual" order for the day. On this trip we figured out how much we like Maple frosted donuts and this brought forth memories of our mother making donuts on Saturday using the old Sunbeam electric fry machine.
Our stories of hot donuts with warm glaze sent us down memory lane once more until something had to be done to bring our virtual donut orders to life. A few visits to Google and we had recipes for Spudnuts and Maple Frosted Long Johns.
Shirley mixed up the batter and we once more smelled the lovely aroma of hot donuts with warm maple glaze. Now when we say, " Time to Make the Donuts" we will remember a new set of tasty experiences and remember, " I get to go to work!"

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