Monday, July 8, 2013

July 7, 2013 Stones River and The Hermitage

Kay and I are becoming quite proficient in packing up the car and heading on our way early each day until today!! We started watching the finals of Wimbledon and couldn't tear ourselves away until the final play around 11:30 AM. Congratulations to Andy Murray on his fantastic win! 

We loaded up the car and headed to Stones River Battlefield in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. The sun finally came out and heated up the steamy earth to create a sauna.
We toured the Battlefield by car and the National Park Service's Museum. It is amazing to see all of the cannons lining the perimeter of the battlefield at the ready.

Driving on to The Hermitage in Nashville, Tennessee was a short trip but included some beautiful winding roads and lush green trees.
Andrew Jackson's home was a working Plantation in 1804 to 1845 and included log cabins and the Stone Mansion plus 1,000 acres of cotton.
On the property was the log cabin where the family lived until the mansion was built. They had also planted cotton and tobacco to show you the types of plants grown during Jackson's time. 
Check out the QR code below for the history behind The Hermitage!


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