Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Chattanooga, Tennessee

This morning waking up in Signal Mountain, Tennessee to the soft rain on the roof and the foggy view of the trees provided us with a lovely day to explore the Chattanooga area with our lovely tour guide Frances.
Our first stop was the Incline Railway and a trip up the side of the mountain followed by a walking tour of Point Park-Lookout Mountain Battlefield.

 The fog was so thick but dear sister Kay wanted a quarter to look at the scenery anyway!

As you can tell from our pictures this park was filled with foggy images as we toured the site of the Civil War battle fought in November of 1863. This is the 150th anniversary of the "Battle Above the Clouds" where we had 3 great great grandfathers and a great great uncle who fought in this pivotal battle.  

After visiting the battlefield we watched " Battles For Chattanooga" a video/geographical miniature display of the history of this battle. This provided the necessary information to help us understand how this battle was planned and the brave men who fought on both sides at this Civil War site.

After a picnic lunch in the car we headed to Rock City! This geological and botanical wonder has been known since the early 1800's as Rock City where the first documented claims of being able to " See the Seven States" from atop the summit of Lookout Mountain was recorded during the Civil War.

Again Sister Kay requested a quarter to find the seven states through the view finder!
We spent a delightful afternoon walking through the rocky paths and seeing beautiful flowers and plants.
At the end of the tour we smiled throughout Fairyland Caverns and Mother Goose Village.

Thanks again to Frances and Gene for being our delightful hosts in Chattanooga and Signal Mountain!

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