Saturday, July 6, 2013

Carnton Plantation

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Kay shared a delightful story of meeting the author of The Widow of the South, Robert Hicks in 2005 at the "A Clean Well Lighted Place for Books" in the San Francisco Arts Corridor. This bookstore was located on the ground floor where their condo is and was a favorite place for Dennis and Kay to meet authors and share their love of books. This particular evening was rainy and few people were able to attend the bookstore event.  Between Kay's knowledge of the Hick's book and Dennis' Civil War historical understanding a lively conversation began as chairs were rearranged to accommodate this small group.

With this background we navigated to the Carnton Plantation and arrived just as a tour was beginning in the main house.
The next hour was spent with a knowledgeable docent showing us the beautiful home while we imagined the unimaginable happenings of the Battle of Franklin.  

The home has bloodstains on the floorboards from where it was used as a Confederate Hospital for one of the bloodiest battles of the Civil War.

Walking through the gardens where a 160 year old Osage Orange Tree is still standing, seeing the grounds where slaves once lived and worked, and visiting the Confederate Cemetery where 1,481 men are buried is just part of the intrigue of this plantation.

Here are just a few of the beautiful plants from the Carnton Gardens.

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