Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Columbus,Indiana from a teacher's perspective!

This morning we rode down the elevator with two women who commented on our outfits and guess what? They were with a group of women teachers who come every year to shop at the Edinburgh Outlet Mall across from our hotel. It was delightful to share a bit about school and the time we are spending now to recharge our batteries! Kay had arranged for us to attend an architecture tour of Columbus this morning beginning in the visitor's center.
Outside of this 1864 building was something teachers always are attracted to.... alphabet letters. These letters appear all over identifying the arts and architecture in the city of Columbus. 

After the tour we went to the Bartholomew County Historical Society to research the Harrison family and while we were there we met three delightful women who steered us in the direction of historical and local treasures.
As Kay and I walked up the stairs I paused to read about a desk on display that caught my eye. What an amazing find in Columbus, Indiana. My students will be so amazed with this history. qrcode
As we were saying our good-byes our lovely hostesses shared that we might want to go to the Kids Commons Museum and have a picture taken in the "Toilet Slide". This teacher could not resist so we walked up two blocks and first visited "The Commons" where the Luckey Climber was available for children to play on and then walked across the street where we met Adam who took us to the Toilet Slide.

 When you step into the slide a flushing noise is shared with all who stand near this fun display.  A big thank you to each of the kind Columbus natives who helped us get this fun picture.

Want to find out more about this children's museum? Check out the QR code below.

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