Saturday, July 13, 2013

Civil War Reenactment Wilmington, Ohio

Throughout our travels visiting Civil War sites we have wanted to see a reenactment with costumes and props and today we were able to witness such an occasion. Celebrating the 150 anniversary of Confederate Brigadier General John Hunt Morgan's Raid through Ohio,Wilmington
created a Reflection of Time hosted by the Quaker Heritage Center and the Ohio History Service Corps. Kay and I arrived in town close to 9:30 and proceeded to the Clinton County Court House where Civil War reenactors were gathering and setting up tents and displays.
Music wafted throughout the grounds played by an orchestra of musicians dressed in costumes and playing instruments from the era. 
Dancers in hoop skirts and Civil War uniforms danced to the music from the orchestra. A fire was burning and ladies were cooking tasty items over an open fire pit.
It was an amazing experience talking to the men and women who are attending the 150th Civil War anniversary celebrations all over the country this year as many of them
had been in Gettysburg over the 4th of July week. Each of the reenactors created a sense of history coming alive as they told their story from years gone by.
What a delightful way to share a beautiful Saturday in Wilmington!

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