Saturday, July 13, 2013

This and That, Saturday, July 13

Hi there!

Today we are traveling 104 miles further south in Ohio to visit the Four Mile Cemetery where our ggg grandparents are buried along with many of their other relatives.  We're changing focus on our family lines and looking for the graves of our mother's family -- Samuel Claar and Lydia Stropes Claar.  Samuel was born in Bedford County, PA and came to Southern Ohio in 1820 (born in 1800).  He lived to 1890, two wives and ten children.   When 89 years of age he gave an extensive interview for the Jackson newspaper.  He married Lydia who lived on the closest farm nearby.  After she died (after bearing nine children) he married Hannah Trexler in 1873 and fathered a tenth child.

His two older brothers served in the War of 1812.  In the spring of 1829 Samuel obtained a land patent signed by President Andrew Jackson for 80 acres. To pay the "entrance fee" to "enter" his land, he agreed to make 500 fence rails for Mr. Hennett, The price was 50¢ per hundred, Also, he recalled the first bridge over Salt Creek on the Chillicothe Road built in 1828 cost $99.33 1/3. The same year the Court House was built and the town jail was a log cabin.

 Samuel Claar (1800-1890)  

Lydia Stropes Claar (1806-1870)

"He was baptized by Elder R. J. Backus and remained a faithful, consistent member of the church till death. During his forty-four year membership in the church, he never faltered or grew indifferent to the interests of the church. His record on earth is a good one, and therefore, it is alright on the other side."

More later after we visit!!

But that leads me to something else (which is why this is called This and That.........)

If I don't have someone describing my life in the manner that Samuel's was described.....I DID get a free ticket yesterday at the Ohio Statehouse.

And finally, we continue to have our shoes NOTICED!!!!  Next year we will accept corporate sponsorships!

Fitflops!!!!  Available on Amazon,, Zappos and many other places!

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